Rivers and Streams

Our goal is to protect, preserve, and restore the Yellowstone River and its watershed for fish and wildlife, water quality, and recreation.


We are working to...

- Reduce impact of structures along the Yellowstone River.

- Educate land owners and visitors about the unique qualities of the river, and problems associated with streamside development and structures.

- Achieve special designation of the Yellowstone River to insure its protection.



Yellowstone River Cleanup

PCEC partnered with the Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and local landowners to rid a high-use section of the Yellowstone River of a series of hazardous, manmade obstructions strewn along its bed. In late March 2003, dilapidated car bodies, concrete pilings and a boat were removed from the river at 4 sites near Livingston. PCEC initiated and coordinated the project to safeguard public health and property while helping to protect and restore the Yellowstone as part of our ongoing river campaign.

See the PCEC report, including maps and photographs.