Have you noticed outdoor plants and trees – and weeds – leafing out and blooming earlier, or birds and butterflies that are arriving and migrating earlier? Do you know that our plant hardiness zone is shifting? Do you have questions about how increasing temperatures, shifting precipitation or an expansion of garden pests and plant diseases could affect the success of your vegetable and flower garden and landscaping choices?

Join us for an informative program to learn about the impacts of global climate change on our local garden and outdoor habitats, and the practical tools to address this challenge. We’ll discuss native plants and trees, plant diversity, winter kill, invasive plants, pests and weeds, energy efficiency measures, reducing water consumption through mulching, drip irrigation, xeriscaping and composting . . . and much more!

DATE: Saturday, May 30th

TIME: 9 am to Noon

LOCATION: Livingston Food Resource Center, 202 South 2nd Street

Dave Dittloff, National Wildlife Federation Regional Representative

Toby Day, MSU Extension Master Gardener Instructor

Kareen Erbe, Broken Ground Gardening Consultant and Coach


Additional speakers and informational displays will be offered by:

Jeanne McCormick, Livingston Food Resource Center – edible gardens

Jeanne McCormick, Montanan Native Plant Society – native plants

Local garden centers, Native Landscapes and Woods Rose Market

Northern Plains Resource Council, Native plants and xeriscaping

Sandy Wulf, City of Livingston, Livingston’s composting, weed management and urban forestry program.

Our Children’s Trust Film, Meet John Thiebes, a 23-year old beginning farmer has set out to change the agricultural practices on a worn-out patch of prairie in the agricultural heart of Montana.

Locally-sourced snacks will be offered from:

2nd Street Bistro, Zac’s Montana Barbecue, Livingston Bar and Grille and Livingston Bodega and Bakery.

Co-Sponsored by Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund, Park County Environmental Council and Yellowstone Bend Citizens Council.

This event is free and open to the public – but space is limited so come early! If you have any questions, please call Michelle at 223-4714.
