The Park County Environmental Council invites you to join us in welcoming our new Executive Director, Michelle Uberuaga, on Tuesday, February 10th, from 4-8pm, at Katabatic Brewing Company in Livingston.

As part of an effort to bring new focus to environmental issues in Park County, PCEC is pleased to introduce Michelle Uberuaga as the new Executive Director.

Michelle brings over ten years of experience in conservation work to PCEC, including conducting ecological research in Yellowstone National Park and running a legal practice in Livingston involved with environmental issues. She combines a passion for wild spaces with a fierce desire to advocate for and protect the environment for future generations.

PCEC will welcome Michelle and introduce her to the community at a “Beer for a Cause” night hosted by Katabatic Brewing Co., who will be donating $1.00 for every pint sold to the Park County Environmental Council.