

Park County’s 2012 Electronic Recycling Event

2012 E Waste Brochure


1 comment

  1. Ewa

    Have a contest to see which class (freshman, sopoomhres, juniors seniors) can collect the most recycling.Have designated days to clean up the environment, whether that’s the school, a park or the city.Have mini exhibits about recylcing and sustainabilty they could be rotated every month or so could be featured in the office, library, display cases, etc.Have fundraisers (barbeques, bake sales, etc.) with zero waste (they make paper plates utensils made from corn that biodegrade) to raise money for things like recycling bins.Hold recycling drives on certain days for things like plastic bottles to old cell phones ink cartidges.Hand out energy efficient light bulbs like CFLs LEDs.Participate in rallies to raise awareness.Plant native drought-resistant trees, flowers shrubs at your school around the community to cut down water costs.Do composting at your school do outreach programs/classes to educate the community.Plant a fruit/vegetable garden at your school to encourage others to grow their own food eat more fruits vegetables. Students could also be allowed to pick their own to make salads such.Good luck with all your efforts. Was this answer helpful?

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