Contacting PCEC:
Most contact is with PCEC’s Executive Director, Kerry Fee.
By Phone: (406) 579-7734 [direct]
Alternative: (406) 222-0723
By Email:
By Mail:
Park County Environmental Council
PO Box 164
Livingston, MT 59047
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1 comment
July 10, 2012 at 5:16 pm (UTC -6)
I have heard of the natural gas wells that will be developed in the Shields Valley. I have read everything that I can find on the subject and have gotten conflicting reports on the status of this. I was hoping you could clear up a few things. How large of a land area are we talking about that will be potentially developed? Will we see the miles upon miles of wells that i have seen pictures of in Pennsylvania and Wyoming? Is there any chance they will not come at all? i must admit i am extremely disappointed to hear what they might do to this valley.