Natural Gas
Spring of 2011 marks the kick-off of PCEC’s campaign to educate and plan for the coming of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for natural gas in Park County. While it may be at least a year or two before the drilling rigs appear, it’s important to get well water tested and water monitoring in place ahead of time, and to inform the public about the techniques and potential environmental hazards posed by fracking. PCEC will be using the Academy Award nominated “Gasland” documentary, public meetings, and other means to get the word out. PCEC, Trout Unlimited, Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) and Oasis Environmental have formed a Natural Gas Committee to work on this issue with the Northern Plains Resource Council.
The Fleshman Creek project will have a high profile in 2011 as the 3.1 million dollar Lower Fleshman Restoration Project will begin this year (possibly in the fall). PCEC will continue to support the project by active participation in County Commissioner meetings and working with the Community Development Department of the county to help inform decisions and planning for the project. We are also part of a five person team spearheading the project from the county, schools, Future Farmers of America and Trout Unlimited.
PCEC’s Executive Director is the newest member of the Park County Cooperative Weed Management Area (CCWA) committee. The committee is chaired by the Livingston area Forest Service ranger and includes the Park County CD administrator, the county weed coordinator, county commissioners, representatives from local schools and the agricultural extension representative from Montana State University, Bozeman. PCEC plans to work with the CCWA for hosting several public “weed pulls” during the weed season.
PCEC continues to be involved with the Livingston Rail Yard / BNSF cleanup here in Livingston. We attended a public meeting this winter with Aimee Reynolds of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Mark Johnson with RTI and public officials as the ‘technical assistant’ to represent the Livingston public. We have met with people from the public to answer questions about the meeting at our office after the meeting. We also attended a DEQ meeting in Helena to go over some proposed rule changes that would affect the clean up. We were the only representatives at the meeting from the environmental - conservation community.
PCEC is spearheading a new ‘electronics recycling’ event for Park County. We are teaming-up with the Park County Community Foundation, Livingston Health Care and Connected Learning to sponsor the event. The event is scheduled for April 30, 2011 at the Park County Fairgrounds from 10AM to 3PM. An early pickup, April 29, is available for people with hauling/transportation difficulties. (Call PCEC for details - 222-0723.) Get rid of e-waste!
Wind Farms
PCEC has developed a wind energy ‘guidance policy’ to address the proposed wind farm at Mission Creek and similar projects that may arise in the future. (Copies of the policy are available through the PCEC office.)
We are keeping an eye on the continuing decline of Whitebark Pine within the Gallatin National Forest. Our board members Jesse Logan and Janet Barwick keep us up-to-date on developments in this area.
We have met with the U.S. Forest Service and discussed the on-going Wilderness Study Area for the Gallatin National Forest area. The consensus is that it will be a few years before anything transpires with the study due to lack of funding and the cutbacks in personnel at the Forest Service.