Mining the Yellowstone Gateway: Emigrant Gulch

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A Canadian mining company, Lucky Minerals Inc., wants to “aggressively explore” for gold in Emigrant Gulch on the flanks of Emigrant Peak. Emigrant Peak is located in Park County Montana, and is just 17 miles north of Yellowstone National Park. Ultimately, the company hopes to develop “a multi-million ounce gold resource” across three drainages on over 2,500 acres in the Emigrant Gulch area.

The first phase of the exploratory drilling was initially planned for summer 2015 and involved 12 drill sites on public, federal land and 23 drill sites on private land on the western flank of Emigrant Peak. Lucky Minerals sought a “categorical exclusion” which would have allowed the company to explore for minerals such as gold, copper, silver and molybdenum without environmental review under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Since June of 2015 Park County residents, business owners, elected officials, the National Park Service and local organizations have responded in force, submitting over 6,200 comments to local agencies. These comments did not support mining in the Gateway to Yellowstone, and demanded that the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) conduct the highest level of environmental analysis to protect water resources, wildlife, the local economy and quality of life in Park County.

“Our way of life is the most important issue. We live here because we love the land and our community. We will stay on top of this and will work hard to protect our community.” Dale Sexton, Timber Trails.

December 2015 Update

After learning that the USFS and DEQ would require an environmental assessment in part due to community concerns, Lucky Minerals Inc. withdrew its exploratory drilling application for public lands in Emigrant Gulch. The withdrawal of the application is welcomed news, however, the threat of development remains. While Lucky’s initial exploration plans for public land are currently on hold, Lucky still maintains public land claims and could apply to explore or develop those claims at any time. In addition, the company plans to begin exploration on its adjacent patented claims next summer.

Community members remain concerned that mineral exploration on patented mining claims could still lead to a mine in Emigrant Gulch. In fact, it may be a faster process requiring less environmental review. By withdrawing its application on public lands, Lucky Minerals is not walking away, but instead is sidestepping the public process and moving forward with less public scrutiny.

We are working to build a strong and resilient economy in Park County. The prospect of large scale mining in an area that’s so important from a natural resource and recreation perspective puts at risk the quality of life that attracts so many people to visit or to relocate their homes and businesses here.” Steve Caldwell, Livingston, Montana

“Lucky Minerals has not demonstrated that it wants to work with the local community, and instead is pursuing the fastest and easiest path to drilling in our backyard. Please join us in urging the DEQ to consider the highest level of environmental review on Lucky’s proposal. If Lucky Minerals is certain there will be no impacts, it shouldn’t hesitate to prepare an environmental impact statement for mineral exploration on patented claims.” Michelle Uberuaga, Livingston, Montana

“This project, if allowed to proceed un-scrutinized, has the potential to destroy the life blood of Park County-an ecosystem that supports ranching, fishing and hunting, as well as, all aspects of the tourism/recreation industry that the community of Gardiner depends on for its livelihood.” Barbara Shesky, Gardiner Chamber Commerce

People come from all over the world to visit Park County for its natural beauty, abundance of wildlife, blue-ribbon trout fisheries and Yellowstone National Park. The long term health and economic prosperity of this region depends on an intact ecosystem to support agriculture, fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, recreation and tourism.

Our future is not worth gambling with Lucky Minerals.

The Yellowstone Ecosystem is more precious than gold.

Areas of Concern

      • Water quality impacts from spills or acid mine drainage
      • Fragmentation and incursion in key wildlife habitat for endangered species
      • Roadless area incursions
      • Reduce economic resiliency in a tourism-driven area
      • Increased traffic, disturbance to 115-year old historic Chico Hot Springs Resort
      • Reduced access to public lands
      • Private property concerns and reduced property values

What Park County is saying:

“I have one hot water source and one cold. If I lose either one, I will be out of business”
“Lucky Minerals has not been a good neighbor. They have never bothered to inform the [Park County] Commission about how they plan to access their mining claims.”
“I believe in private property rights, but Lucky Minerals would infringe on the property rights and economic prosperity of others.”
Andrew Field, Printing For Less
“The message is pretty pointed; we don’t want Lucky Minerals developing a mine in Emigrant Gulch in Paradise Valley”
Dale Sexton, Timber Trails